Welcome to the

Monarch Studio

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Soft Furnishing
& Basic Upholstery

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Indoor & Outdoor
Cushions and Inners

At the Monarch Studio we are passionate about transforming your living spaces by making functional and beautiful products to enhance your home. From our home based studio in Tauranga we primarily sew and create beautiful soft furnishings and basic upholstery.

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Meet Chelsea

At the Monarch Studio we are passionate about transforming your living spaces by making functional and beautiful products to enhance your home. From our home based studio in Tauranga we primarily sew and create beautiful soft furnishings and basic upholstery.

Frequently Asked Questions


Products For Sale

Contact us via email for availability

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Faux Fur Throws

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Faux Fur Throws

We’d would love your feedback about our soft furnishings, squabs and cushions.
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